Category: Creative Writing Tips

Creative writing tips and tricks for beginners

Environmental narratives: Integrating climate change into storytellingEnvironmental narratives: Integrating climate change into storytelling

This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

Climate change is a global issue that affects billions of people. The consequences of a warming world make for great story beats, too. Hurricanes and floods regularly feature in climate fiction, and people are keen to hear about the experiences of those who live through climate-induced disasters. 

Writing environmental narratives can help you achieve your broader aims as a writer, too. Contemporary authors like Amitav Gosh and Jesmyn Ward have used their novels to improve public understanding of climate change and campaign for change. 

Your novel doesn’t necessarily need to feature extreme weather events or didactic lessons, either. While climate science is clear — the world is being warmed by human activity — there is still plenty of nuance to be explored by authors with a deep connection to environmental issues and a passion for advocacy. 


Why boredom can be a writer’s best friend: tips for creative inspirationWhy boredom can be a writer’s best friend: tips for creative inspiration

This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

The writer’s life is one of relative isolation. Unless you happen to enjoy working in a busy coffee shop, you’ll produce most of your work at a desk with only your thoughts and the cursor for company. While most writers enjoy working alone, there are times when your mind begins to wander, and boredom sets in. This is entirely normal, as even prolific writers profess to work in boring, somewhat dull environments.

However, those same prolific writers explain that boredom isn’t a bad thing. As a writer, you can leverage these insights to find creative inspiration. Used correctly, boredom can help you demolish your writer’s block, strike upon new ideas, and produce prose to be proud of.


How to unleash creativity through outdoor explorationHow to unleash creativity through outdoor exploration

This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

Living a creative life is both enriching and challenging. Yes, you undoubtedly have talents and perspectives that make your writing unique. However, you can’t always rely simply on your internal resources. That wellspring can occasionally run a little dry. The good news is that there are resources for unleashing creativity all around us. The great outdoors has long been considered a renewing influence for artists. Why not consider how you can effectively step beyond your writing space and explore what nature has to offer?


How to enhance your writing with travel and new experiencesHow to enhance your writing with travel and new experiences

This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

As writers, it can be difficult to find inspiration when you are constantly expected to perform and inspire your readers. There are days where you will be staring at blank screens, wondering how you can balance your creativity, and prevent fatigue, while also maintaining consistent income as a writer. What’s even worse, this stress may culminate into burnout — a condition that is difficult to come out of. While temporary salves may help, travel can be the ultimate solution to all of these problems. However, most writers don’t typically seek this solution out due to financial concerns. Luckily, there are ways to finance new travel experiences that can help improve your writing.


Improve your creativity by improving your well-beingImprove your creativity by improving your well-being

This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

Global creators are motivated people. They are producing more and more content by the month, by the week, by the day, by the minute, and even by the second. However, this level of productivity and efficiency depends on how they are doing internally. For you as a content creator, it doesn’t matter whether creativity is your livelihood, a passion, or something in the middle. You are bound to experience creative blocks from time to time. Writer’s block happens regardless of your level of skill or commitment to the craft. It is typically fueled by issues with motivation or focus.

Let’s learn how to improve your well-being to reduce the negative impacts on your creative processes.


Leave Your Comfort Zone With Creative Nonfiction WritingLeave Your Comfort Zone With Creative Nonfiction Writing

This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

It can be easy to get stuck in a rut with your writing. Whether you’re usually focused on straight reportage or speculative fiction, you may find yourself creatively unchallenged at times. This is often because getting comfortable in routines, subjects, and styles is the enemy of innovation. It’s worth taking a little time to shake up your practice and explore something different.

Creative nonfiction writing is a valuable tool in this regard. In essence, this is taking factual material and using it to tell an engaging story. It blends the committed scrutiny of journalism with the imaginative power of narrative storytelling. You’ll also find you can apply a variety of formats from blog posts to graphic novels.

So let’s take a closer look at creative nonfiction writing. How can you engage with the process and make the most of your experiences?
