This is a guest article by Abraham Adekunle. If you want to submit a guest article of your own be sure to read the guest article guidelines.
Writing can seem liberating at first. You sit down at your computer, smuggle your coffee beside your writing materials, and begin the session with an enthusiastic mind.
You are charged. You can pump out a thousand words in 30 minutes. You’re thinking about how those words will change the world, how your readers will be engulfed in the emotion you want them to be in, and how they’ll swiftly take to the internet to write you an email.
But suddenly, the thoughts are all gone. Your fingers type words but delete them almost as fast as they came. Writing that scene in your novel now becomes something only a genius can do. Where did all that enthusiasm go? Where did the thoughts go?
And the worst part, you are sure it’s not writer’s block, because not that you only write, it’s not just coming from your heart.
“Oh God. I know what to say, but not how.”