Day: November 22, 2017

10 easy tips for better business writing10 easy tips for better business writing

This is a guest article by William Grigsby. If you are interested in submitting a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

In a survey that was conducted in 2004 by the National Commission on business writing among some 120 American companies, it was estimated that major corporations spent over $3.1 billion on employees’ deficiencies in writing. Additionally, about 74% of web browsers were found to pay attention to the quality, grammar, and spelling of company websites. More than 59% of people were found to prefer not doing business with a company which has an obvious mistake in grammar in their write-ups.

The problem is, the internet has converted the business world into a small village, and such figures can translate to huge losses.

Seeing the imminent dangers poor business writing can deliver to a business, wanting to improve your skills or even those of your employees should be somewhat of a reflex action. Here are some handy tips that could help you avert a PR crisis and improve your customer conversion.
