Writers' Treasure Academic Writing How to Excel at Academic Writing – Five Tips for Success

How to Excel at Academic Writing – Five Tips for Success

This is a guest post by Sandesh Deshkar. If you want to guest post for Writers’ Treasure, click here to contact me and send your ideas.

There are few students or academic professionals who would not like to be experts in academic writing. To excel at academic writing is important especially as an impressive academic paper can help you get good and even great grades or reviews.

However, it is a well-known fact that academic writing is difficult and it takes a lot of time and effort to perfect this art. In fact, if you try to get your academic paper published in reputable journals, then you must be prepared to spend hours to just understand the intricacies of formatting and styling.  This article intends to help you learn and understand some basic tips that will help you enter the list of published academic authors.

So these are the five tips to ensure success in academic writing…

  1. Follow the Quote with Suitable Explanation
    One of the most common, yet very serious academic writing mistake, is that writers quote a scholar or expert, and just move on to their next point. However, when it comes to making your academic paper impressive, you must give a suitable explanation to the mentioned quote. This is essential, as an apt explanation can help your paper stay focused and lucid.
  2. Respect the Arguments of Previous Authors
    When you are working on any academic paper, it is common that you will come across work that might be quite contrary to your point of view on the given topic. However, you must not simply dismiss the works of previous authors; you can in fact mention their arguments or point of view in your paper to add academic value to your paper. You can further add value to your paper, by mentioning why you think that the points of the previous author are not quite feasible or relevant in the current context.
  3. Mention Relevant Examples to Support Your Argument
    If you want to make your argument convincing, then you must first assume that your readers are averse to your argument. You must then use strong and convincing vocabulary to help them agree with you on the given topic or subject. If required, you must use relevant examples to strengthen your case.
  4. Understand the Reader and Connect the Odds and Ends
    Your readers might not be as intelligent as you assume and hence you must mention where you are heading to through your academic paper. It is crucial that you intelligently connect crucial pieces to make your paper coherent and impressive.
  5. Be Precise and Cautious While Making Your Point
    The choice of right words can make a world of difference to the quality of your academic paper. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that precise writing skills can take the quality of your paper to the next level. Avoid general assumptions and claims; also make points that appeal to you. Most importantly, don’t say something if you are not willing to support it with strong arguments and factual data.

The above mentioned tips and ideas will surely help you formulate a decent academic paper. However, if you still require help or affirmation, then maybe you can consider the help of a professional editor or writing services.

Resource Box

There are numerous writing companies that offer custom writing, academic writing services to students who are overwhelmed with the many demands of academic course work. Students who enlist the services of professionals must however, be careful in selecting a suitable writing company so as not to jeopardize their course work.

Editor’s Note:

Sandesh makes some very good points. In fact, if you want to ensure your academic writing success, then you must follow these tips. “A great and informative article that will surely help the struggling academic writer chasing success,” that sums it up, doesn’t it?

If you want to learn more about academic writing, then get free updates from Writers’ Treasure today.

5 thoughts on “How to Excel at Academic Writing – Five Tips for Success”

  1. This was article and a complete plan for excelling in academic writing skills. I was very good in academic writing and this was because of my passion of writing. Mostly students don\’t like to write a lot and they use help or find excuses in classes about the writing task but in higher level of your education you have to write essays, reports, thesis and other stuff.

  2. Your works are quite incredible and informative. Most of your ideas are quite relevant and vital when it comes to academic writing. Kindly try to come up with another stuff talking about the development of thesis statement as well as the development of topic sentences along the paragraphs. Once again, thanks a million for your exceptional work!

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