Writers' Treasure Magnetic Writing,Technical Writing,Web Writing Three benefits of becoming a full-time freelance writer

Three benefits of becoming a full-time freelance writer

This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

Freelancing is nothing new, but for years many people have used it as a “side hustle” or a way to make extra cash to supplement a full-time job. More recently, however — especially throughout the pandemic — more people have started freelancing as a full-time career. There are over 4,500 freelance copywriters in the U.S. alone, and that number is likely to grow as more people make the shift from a traditional full-time career.

Making the decision to become a full-time freelance writer is a big step, and it looks different for everyone. Maybe you’re contemplating quitting your current job, or maybe you’ve been freelancing on the side for a while and you want to make the leap. If you’re still on the fence about full-time freelancing, it’s important to understand the benefits that come with it.

Let’s take a closer look at some of those benefits and how they can have a positive impact on your life as a freelancer.

1. More flexibility and independence

When you become a full-time freelancer, you’re essentially your own boss. That allows for more flexibility and independence. You can set your own hours, take on the clients you want, and make business decisions that work for you.

However, it’s important to make sure you’re ready for the responsibilities of being your own boss as well as the perks. Are you ready to make the transition from working for someone else to working for yourself? It can help to make sure quitting your current job is the right thing to do. Some of the top signs that it’s time to quit your job and work for yourself include:

  • Feeling unfulfilled;
  • Struggling to perform daily tasks;
  • Recurring burnout;
  • Degradation in the quality of your work.

Working in an environment that doesn’t fit your needs can make the decision to become a freelancer much easier, and you’ll enjoy being your own boss and having the power to completely control your career.

2. More time for self-care

Burnout can be a real problem for workers across the country. A staggering 77% of workers have experienced burnout at their current job.

While being a freelancer still takes a lot of time, dedication, and hard work, you can also make more time for self-care. When you set reasonable hours and make self-care a priority, you’re less likely to burn out. You’re also more likely to stay productive and actually enjoy the work you’re doing, rather than resent it.

Self-care is extremely important for freelancers. Even though being your own boss is great, there’s still some pressure that comes with the work-from-home lifestyle and having to make ends meet each month. If you’re not sure how to prioritize self-care or how to establish healthy habits, keep these ideas in mind to get started:

  • Practice mindfulness;
  • Take up a new hobby;
  • Exercise regularly;
  • Maintain positive relationships.

You can also try things like journaling, meditation, or even therapy to manage your mental well-being and keep your stress levels low. Self-care looks different for everyone, so don’t hesitate to try a few different routines before finding what works for you.

3. Endless growth

The sky is truly the limit when it comes to freelance writing. There’s currently a high demand for freelancers, especially in niches like:

  • Tech;
  • B2B;
  • Medicine;
  • Legal;
  • Long-form copywriting.

Depending on the type of writing you want to get into, you can experience exponential growth and a long, successful career. You’re not dependent on someone else for a promotion or a raise in your salary. You also aren’t tied down by a specific role. You can choose to branch out into different niches or reach out to more clients/businesses. As you gain experience and build up your portfolio, you can even demand more pay and increase your salary.

Of course, there’s some work that comes with that growth. You’re not just your own boss, but your own business. You have to be able to market yourself as a freelance writer accordingly to attract new clients and build up a solid base. Make sure you have a website, get active on social media, and utilize sites like LinkedIn to network with the right people. Eventually, your work should start to speak for itself, and you’ll get more referrals from happy clients. That allows you to be a bit pickier with the clients you take on and the type of work you do.

These benefits just scratch the surface of the perks you can experience as a full-time freelance writer. While it can be a bit scary to quit your day job and start working as your own boss, it’s well worth it. If you’re willing to dedicate yourself to a career in freelancing, you’re okay with the responsibility of being your own boss, and you know you can be productive working from home, you’ll reap the rewards that come with freelancing and grow your career in a time when writers are in high demand.

About the author: Indiana Lee lives in the Northwest and has a passion for the environment and wellness. She draws her inspiration from nature and makes sure to explore the outdoors regularly with her two dogs. Indiana has experience in owning and operating her own business. Feel free to follow her on Twitter @indianalee3.

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