Writers' Treasure Site News Change of Post Frequency

Change of Post Frequency

Hi guys, this is not so much of a writing tip post as much of a general update. (Don’t say I didn’t warn you! :-))

My posting schedule for the past has been… well not a schedule. I used to post just when I felt like it, and for the entire last week, no posts were published because I was ill with cold. Yeah, great.

Now, I am changing my post frequency. You guys can expect a new post every week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Monday is the day where I will post a “killer article” (term by Daniel Scocco), i.e, a really long, structured and information packed article, usually above the word count of 700 words. On Wednesday and Friday I will post normal posts (news, quick tips, endorsements, debates, etc).

I will also be starting a biweekly newsletter for Writers’ Treasure. Now, I’ve subscribed to too many crap newsletters so that I know what you people don’t like, and I’ll try not to do that. You can expect a free eBook on novel writing (available only as opt-in gift), some more content rich messages (kind of a continuation of that) and a regular newsletter which will be emailed once in every two weeks on Sunday. So far, this process should take about a month and a half to complete and then you will be able to sign up for it. So stay tuned!

Wondering when I’ll next post an article? Don’t worry — it won’t be delayed or something, it will be posted on Wednesday. I’ve got some really great articles on short stories to entertain and inform you, so you just have to wait. See you on Wednesday.

In the meantime, you may want to read the Writing Tips series of articles.

Thanks for reading,

Idrees Patel

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Many tasks are difficult for writers.

As in, even many parts of the entire writing process are difficult. In fact, nothing is easy in writing. Not even the pros find it easy. All they do is make it look easy, but ask them whether they found it difficult in the beginning and the answer will most certainly be in the affirmative.

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