Writers' Treasure Site News Writers’ Treasure is ON!

Writers’ Treasure is ON!

Command prompt: switch https://www.writerstreasure.com – on
Command successful. Writers’ Treasure is now online.

And here I am. Since June of 2011, in some cases even earlier, I have been studying for my SSC exams. It’s been a long while. Study, study and study. It’s been boring, lengthy, and above all, exhausting.

As you can imagine, so much study didn’t leave any time for writing. So I didn’t get to write any new blog articles in those months, and I was also forced to put my novel back on hold for another year (it’s been in development for right about three years).

Still, whenever I got free time, I wrote. That happened in September and December, when I wrote How to Master Clarity in Writing and How to Write an Essay — Part I respectively. Then January came and my study time increased feverishly. Suddenly in vain I tried to look for free time and when it came, for hours only, I was too tired to write. My writing didn’t have strength. So I did the only thing that was to be done… I put Writers’ Treasure on hold for a few months until the SSC examinations would end (which would be held in March).

The great thing is that even though I stopped writing, Writers’ Treasure still received two new articles from guests. I was proud to publish the two brilliant guest posts and you can read them from the homepage or the archives.

And then March came and my SSC exams started. March passed in a bit of a blur. I had to write my papers for twenty and a half hours combined. But that’s all over now. What had to happen happened: my exams finished on March 28, 2012.

That leaves us to…. holidays. Yes, you read it right. I finally have free time to myself, and that means Writers’ Treasure is now on. Or on. Or ON. The capitals are just for emphasis, but I’m not sorry for them.

So what does that leave in store for you all? A lot of things. Let’s look them over one by one:

New developments in store for this blog

  1. New Content – My brain is right now buzzing and spinning with ideas. Not like a mechanical hard drive, but better. So it means that yes, you can await my great watermelon-sized articles once more in your feed reader or email inbox (or just here, on the homepage). I’m not spilling any more beans… except to say that not only new blog articles, but also an amazing free report on writing is in development.
  2. New Design – Web design has evolved rapidly since I last redesigned this blog, way back in December 2010. Yes, I know it looks just a bit dated now, but you’ll be glad to know that a brand new minimalist design of Writers’ Treasure is in development. This one will have more whitespace, lighter colours, less columns, more minimalist, better typography, and completely responsive (the current version is responsive as well, but things don’t scale great to some mobile resolutions.) Oh, and a better logo as well. Are you excited yet? Well you should be. Stay tuned for more sneak peeks.
  3. More Participation in Social Media – I’m looking to get more involved on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook, so stay tuned for more developments in this field!

And that’s it. Exciting things are in store for this blog, and there’s only one thing you have to do. Just subscribe for free and get every future piece of content in your inbox or favourite feed reader.

In the meantime, you might want to visit the Writing Tips articles…

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