Writers' Treasure Site News Writers’ Treasure is Back

Writers’ Treasure is Back

After two and a half months of non-existence, Writers’ Treasure is now well and truly back. In fact, it will be stronger than it was previously, so you can now expect to see at least one post weekly (and sometimes even two).

The reason for no posts? Well, there wasn’t just one, there were many. First came the school exams, second came vacation (holidays), and third came a cough, cold and fever that happened thrice. Ouch.

But explanations are tiny, aggravating things, not to be bothered about (*as I’m sure you’ll agree*). What matters most is that Writers’ Treasure is now once more The Definitive Guide to Creative Writing Success, not a blog which is dead.

So what can you expect to see in the following days and weeks? A whole lot. Firstly, I prepared (for the first time) the article schedule for Writers’ Treasure. What this means basically is that I prepared a series of post ideas so that there could be no writers’ block (yeah, a post coming on that soon).

The exciting thing about the schedule was that in preparing post ideas, my brain seemed to explode, and I found 106 post ideas to write (all quality ones, may I add). This will probably last the whole of the year 2011 (if I follow it), and therefore, solves the problem of no posts for months (not that that ever was a problem to begin with, mind you).

Now, the only thing left to do is to write all of them 🙂

Easier said than done, I know, but I’m up for the challenge. Stay tuned for Be Aware of the Reading Level of Your Audience, the last post of Writers’ Treasure in 2010.

I’m looking forward to growing Writers’ Treasure.

Thanks for reading,


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