Writers' Treasure Site News What Do You Think of the New Logo?

What Do You Think of the New Logo?

Logos have never been my strong point in design. But they help in branding, so I made a logo a month ago for this blog. However, the old one’s colours didn’t match perfectly with the website colour scheme, so I thought “well, I’ll make a completely different one.” So I recently made a new logo which replaced the old simplistic one.

This one stands out a little more. If you’re reading this via email or a feed reader, go to WritersTreasure.com to view the new logo.

What do you think of it? Is it better? Or is it worse? Please comment with your likes, dislikes, suggestions and more.

I personally love the new logo (I made it myself). But if the majority of you don’t like it, it can always be changed.

One more thing: my contact form has been broken for weeks. Sorry.

What happened was this: Originally I was using Contact Form 7 as the plugin to generate the form. I was getting some spam and I had this idea of using a new form which had Captcha in it. After searching, I found the RECaptcha form. It wasn’t as good as Contact Form 7, but it did have a Captcha field. I thought it was okay.

But the spam didn’t stop. The captcha was unreadable. Terrible user experience.

Today, after weeks, I somehow knew something was not quite right. I tested the form. My suspicions were proved. It didn’t work.

Really! I’ve no idea how much I’ve missed, but please, if anyone of you sent me an email and did not receive a reply and are still reading, please accept my apologies. I’ve since switched back to Contact Form 7, which works very well (and I don’t want any Captcha now, I’ll use other measures later if I find them), and also I’ve given my email address for those want to email me directly, IF the form doesn’t seem to work. If that happens, or if you just like emailing directly, my email address is idrees [at] writerstreasure [dot] com.

So if you’ve got any suggestions, criticism or praise about this website or you want to chat with me, fill this form to email me.

Update: I think I might have just found the perfect solution, the Really Simple Captcha Plugin for Contact Form 7. It uses a much better (in my opinion, and much more readable) Captcha. And the best thing is that I don’t need to change my form. So come on, check it out.

Update: – The design of the website has now been changed. The logo which was there previously is still there, only the colours have been changed. Have a look around and tell me what you think. Thanks for reading.

Newest update: Design refreshed, theme changed and a brand new logo (this one will stay for a long time, I promise). Real branding is achieved now, and if you want to give feedback, you’ll want to head over to WritersTreasure.com to see the changes!

From the Author,

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Many tasks are difficult for writers.

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Content writing, editing and proofreading, and publishing. All these three tasks sound confusing, but they’re not. Broken down into small chunks, they’re doable. Millions are at least doing it.

Few, though, are doing it the right way.

The reasons for that run in the hundreds. One of the most true come down to time, or more precisely, the lack of it. Who has the time to even write these days, never mind the time to write well, edit and proofread it, and then finally publish it online for others to read.


Writers’ Treasure is BackWriters’ Treasure is Back

After two and a half months of non-existence, Writers’ Treasure is now well and truly back. In fact, it will be stronger than it was previously, so you can now expect to see at least one post weekly (and sometimes even two).

The reason for no posts? Well, there wasn’t just one, there were many. First came the school exams, second came vacation (holidays), and third came a cough, cold and fever that happened thrice. Ouch.

But explanations are tiny, aggravating things, not to be bothered about (*as I’m sure you’ll agree*). What matters most is that Writers’ Treasure is now once more The Definitive Guide to Creative Writing Success, not a blog which is dead.


Writers’ Treasure is ON!Writers’ Treasure is ON!

Command prompt: switch https://www.writerstreasure.com – on
Command successful. Writers’ Treasure is now online.

And here I am. Since June of 2011, in some cases even earlier, I have been studying for my SSC exams. It’s been a long while. Study, study and study. It’s been boring, lengthy, and above all, exhausting.

As you can imagine, so much study didn’t leave any time for writing. So I didn’t get to write any new blog articles in those months, and I was also forced to put my novel back on hold for another year (it’s been in development for right about three years).

Still, whenever I got free time, I wrote. That happened in September and December, when I wrote How to Master Clarity in Writing and How to Write an Essay — Part I respectively. Then January came and my study time increased feverishly. Suddenly in vain I tried to look for free time and when it came, for hours only, I was too tired to write. My writing didn’t have strength. So I did the only thing that was to be done… I put Writers’ Treasure on hold for a few months until the SSC examinations would end (which would be held in March).

The great thing is that even though I stopped writing, Writers’ Treasure still received two new articles from guests. I was proud to publish the two brilliant guest posts and you can read them from the homepage or the archives.

And then March came and my SSC exams started. March passed in a bit of a blur. I had to write my papers for twenty and a half hours combined. But that’s all over now. What had to happen happened: my exams finished on March 28, 2012.

That leaves us to…. holidays. Yes, you read it right. I finally have free time to myself, and that means Writers’ Treasure is now on. Or on. Or ON. The capitals are just for emphasis, but I’m not sorry for them.

So what does that leave in store for you all? A lot of things. Let’s look them over one by one:
